Goal Setting: Don’t Think Perfection, Think Intention

Goal Setting: The “Why” Will Direct the “What” and “How” One of the biggest ironies when it comes to goal setting for financial planning is that most people do not set goals because they have a fear of failure, yet studies show that people who simply write down their goals are more likely to achieve […]
Why Budgets and Budgeting Don’t Work

Budgeting Does Not Work! Rethinking Spending: The Cash Flow Approach When I first started in the financial business, we were taught that helping clients determine their budget was beneficial to them reaching their financial goals. I’ve seen firsthand the cringe that the word “budget” can elicit. It’s like the word “diet”—immediately, one imagines restrictions, limitations, […]
Should You DIY Your Financial Planning?

My TED Talk on DIY Financial Planning I was recently asked to speak on whether I thought a person could create an effective Do-It-Yourself (DIY) financial plan or is it necessary to hire a professional to help in this important area of their lives. I welcomed the opportunity to share my T.E.D. talk on […]