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Why an Investment Policy Statement is your Best Financial Ally

Road map

ONE of the 7 key components of your financial plan is your investment portfolio. (If you’re wondering, the other components are goal setting, cash flow, tax, risk management, estate and business integration.)     Today, we’ll dive into two crucial concepts that can significantly impact your financial future when it comes to your investments: 1) an […]

Embracing Summer: A Time for Relaxation and Financial Reflection

Summer financial planning

Who doesn’t love summer? Parks and beaches are full.  Cold weather scowls are replaced by warm weather smiles.  Flowers have bloomed.  Restaurants are busy.  The commuter traffic has been replaced with tourist traffic. As the warmth of summer begins to embrace Canada, I hope you take some time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and reflection. The sun-filled […]

When to take CPP and OAS

Show me the Money!! Who doesn’t want “free” money from the government? If you’ve ever looked at your pay stub or tax return, you know that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) pension benefits you might be eligible to receive in retirement aren’t exactly “free”.  But that doesn’t stop people from […]

2023 Recap and 2024 Outlook

“Looking forward all that I can see Is good things happening to you and me…” From Looking Forward Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young   As we get ready to turn the page on 2023 and welcome the new year with all its possibilities, we’d like to take some time to reflect on the year that […]

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself, IMHO

My kids tell me I’m too old to be using common texting acronyms like BTW or BRB when I’m speaking in everyday life (or IRL.  Lol 😊).  When I try and rehash some old-school terms from back in the day, like “Choice”, “Rad” or “Not even”, I’m accused of decreasing my cool dad factor (CDF), […]

Pack Wisely

Moving through life, from our childhood and school-age years, through our working life, and finally into retirement, has sometimes been described as a journey.  I’ve heard financial advisors use analogies of a car trip, an airplane flight, or sailing on the ocean to relate life’s “journey”. I was hiking the other day on a very […]

Where are the Kardashians when you need them?

One of my guilty TV-watching pleasures is a show called “American Pickers”.  It’s a reality show (supposedly) that follows a couple of guys who travel the U.S. by van, stopping in on the homesteads of people who have amassed collections of antiques, collectibles, or just plain junk.  I’m amazed at the amount of stuff people […]

September is Right Around the Corner

Well, that summer flew by!  And that means school will soon be back in session.  September can be a financial whirlwind for parents.  And not in a good way.  There are back-to-school supplies to shop for, new outfits to buy, and for some, tuition fees to pay. I wanted to share a few ideas so […]